I've written several posts about visiting grandkids in Aurora. Suffice to say that this time was no different. We had a blast!! Unlike previous visits, we stayed two weeks which allowed us to enjoy the daily routine of the Armstrong household. Geoff took off some time so it was like a holiday and one day, we pulled the boys from school to do a field trip. We used Aeroplan points to fly down so decided to rent a car with our savings.
We've rented from Avis in the past without problems but learned that booking via Avis.ca is different from booking with Avis.com. I knew we'd have lots of luggage so was happy to see a black Impala with a sun roof and huge trunk sitting waiting for us. It was a wise investment as it allowed Geoff to drive to work and Melissa go to various appointments. The Denver metropolitan area is huge with many cities merging together so a car is useful.
Some highlights of our trip include:
Geoff's Birthday: We bought a Red Snapper ($112) at Whole Foods that could have fed an army. The neat think was the store sold oysters imported from Cortes Island (off the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia). We also bought a pork roast so Melissa could make Carnitas for Geoff's birthday party.
Palm Sunday: G and M's pastor gave a moving sermon on the connection between the Old and New Testaments as it related to Easter. Geoff played electric guitar in the Worship group and Melissa ran the slide show.
Carino Coffee: This is G and M's favourite coffee shop. It is local and is within walking distance of their house. When I ordered Chai Tea Latté, the batista asked what kind of milk I wanted. I was taken aback but went with her suggestion of almond milk. It took the drink up a notch, I can assure you. Glen and Geoff met the church elders and pastor here for coffee one early Wednesday morning. An experience Glen enjoyed.
Fancy Tiger: We went to this incredible wool/fabric store so I could buy some yarn for a project. I ended up also buying some green felt to cover the plywood we'd bought for Melissa's puzzle project. They had a good supply of spinning materials including wheels and some weaving paraphernalia. The clerks were knowledgeable and friendly. If you're into the textile arts, this is the store for you.
Boulder: We always manage to make a trip out to Geoff's 800 megahertz magnet in Boulder so he can do a nitrogen fill. This time we stopped at Peet's Coffee to enjoy the view of the flatiron mountains for which the area is famous. We also did lunch at Fate Brew Pub around the corner from the NMR facility. I had their delicious Caprese Sandwich with Fate Laimas beer (kolsch style ale). Geoff and Glen enjoyed their Cuban Sandwiches.
Good Friday: This Canadian tradition is not a holiday in the States but after checking out a Science camp for the boys, we observed it at Mellow Mushroom Pizza restaurant. This is family dining at its best. We had a great pizzas: Magical Mystery Tour for Glen and Kosmic Karma for me. The kid's menu had meatballs (Miles) and macaroni (Elijah). We enjoyed their featured beer, Dale's Pale Ale (I think) then Glen had a huge Sundae. The boys helped him out. It was like watching a feeding frenzy of piranhas.
Stump removal: Geoff had a dead tree in his yard so he, Glen and the boys tackled the problem. I was the official photographer. The stump was tenacious so it took several hours to remove with a few breaks thrown in. A huge metal cage encased the roots which proved to be a major obstacle to the stump's removal. Later, Geoff worried his hands would be stiff and he'd not be able to play his guitar at church the next day.
Easter Sunday: It began with an Easter egg hunt around the house. The boys don't get chocolate in the plastic eggs but did get Lego, Skylander Giants, and coins for their piggy bank. Geoff was at church rehearsing so missed the fun but there was more to come. The service was uplifting as is it should be. Afterwards a friend of Geoff's prayed with us in a hug of three. It brought me to tears. Then, the kids stormed out to hunt for eggs the youth group had planted. We focussed on watching the little ones as they were too cute for words. That afternoon we joined Melissa's friend, Cindy and her family for a huge Easter dinner to which everyone contributed a dish or two. The house sat next to a golf course so when we weren't chatting or watching the toddlers, Glen and I were checking out the golfers. Elijah and Miles participated in another Easter egg hunt here and gleaned enough chocolate to satisfy them. Glen ate their 'rejects' so he was happy.
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo: We let the kids skip school on Easter Monday and Glen drove us down to Cheyenne Mountain (Geoff had to work). This wonderful zoo is perched on the side of the mountain so when you aren't gazing at the critters, you can take in breath-taking views. The highlight of our visit was feeding lettuce to the giraffes. Melissa was giddy with excitement as she got up close to her favourite animal. We ate lunch at the cafeteria and a word to the wise, take a picnic as the prices are astronomical ($10 for the adult hot dog and fries). Admission (off season) was $12.00/adult and $8.00/child but if you wish to ride the gondola, it's an extra $1.00/person (also the off season rate). As you pay your entrance fee, they automatically add $1.25 in quarters so you can 'vote' for the animal you wish the zoo to work towards saving.
Teaching Moments: Glen fondly tells me of things his grandfather taught him. We rarely saw our grandparents when I was a child so I don't have such memories. We created a few this visit by my teaching the boys how to play Solitaire and King's Corners with actual cards
(cheapest gift ever) and Glen teaching Elijah how to tie his own tie.
Two weeks seemed too short but it did give us a glimpse into the busy lives of the American Armstrong family. If you wish to see some of the photos I took, go here.