We spent the final week trying to cram in everything we wanted to do before leaving. Monday, we had the van serviced and after 19 years, finally replaced the spark plugs. The beast now has the same shape as the newer caravans and could pass as a new model although it lacks that 'new car' smell. It's great for ferrying around golf clubs and carts as well as people when they visit.
I had spent a couple of hours on the weekend carving a letterbox stamp and preparing the box for planting so Monday afternoon we headed to Cedar Hill again but this time not to golf. We walked along the nature path that skirts the course and found the perfect spot to hide the box off the 4th green. We watched those playing and figured we aren't as bad as we thought we were.
Tuesday, we golfed Mt Doug with the S and M team, Nigel (a Scot) and Mario (a Mexican) were a delight and I discovered I'm not the only one who tosses a club when frustrated. Perhaps there is a little Latino blood in me. As usual, we stopped at Galey Farms for strawberries, beans, and cherries.
Who knew we'd ever golf two days in a row but because of a tournament on Thursday at Cedar Hill, we ended up golfing again on Wednesday. We were paired up with two singletons, Ann and Don, both excellent golfers. Again I was glad to have my walking shade even though the clouds seemed to come and go. My golf this summer has been iffy so I'm thinking I need another lesson. You do pick up bad habits that go unnoticed until someone points them out to you.
Thursday, we decided to have a day of rest but in the end, it still meant a long walk to the beach and a favourite coffee shop. Ross Bay is a lovely wild, winter beach and in the summer it seems quite tame but is still beautiful. As I explored some tidal pools, Glen enjoyed watching the ships and sea birds. That evening, we finally got together with the neighbours who live down the hall and kindly keep an eye on our place when we aren't here. Ray and Cynthia also let us use their parking spot when we drive to Victoria which we really appreciate since parking on the street can be problematic. We went to Christie's as one can always relax with friends in one's local pub. Cynthia ordered grilled fish as the fish in her fish and chips and I followed suit. I'm not into heavy batters but didn't realize I could opt out at Christie's. Glen devoured a huge yorkie stuffed with beef while Ray indulged in his favourite, bangers and mash.
Friday, it rained for the first time since we arrived. Our plans to walk down to BCAA and renew the van's registration went ahead as did a stop at the bank and Don Mees. The Yummy-yummy lady served us my favourite sesame buns. Our table quickly became laden with mostly seafood dim sum dishes and we brought home enough for supper so I didn't have to cook.
Saturday, we shopped at the Pandora store in Victoria for another charm for my bracelet. This time a ferry which seemed appropriate. That evening I wore it to dinner at the Marina in restaurant in Oak Bay. We had our 'usual' waiter, Paul, who treated us well. We enjoyed Evening Cove, Komo Gway and Zen oysters and although they are all the same species of oyster (Japanese), we loved their different tastes. The Zen had a lovely buttery flavour. We both ordered the special of grilled Steelhead trout on Warba heirloom potatoes which were introduced to British Columbia in the 1920s apparently from Argentina (read my blog Buenos Aires). We had a lovely white wine with dinner from the Terravista Vineyards called Fandango and it actually tastes as the name implies, a lively dance of crisp citrus flavours. Glen had apple cake for dessert while I had a Monte Cristo coffee. Later, Glen smoked a Cohiba cigar on the balcony.
Sunday, we decided to golf again at Mt Doug and did so with another couple our age, Chris and Emily. It was such a fun morning and Glen got a birdie and a par so he was thrilled. A doe and her fawn ate blackberries along the edge of one fairway with no fear of us or our golf balls. We stopped in at Galey Farms for our final feed of strawberries then spent the rest of the day organizing stuff for our trip home.
The first Monday in August is BC Day so a holiday for everyone but us as we packed and readied the condo for our departure. It won't be empty long as this year has been one for visitors using it.