This year we lucked out when it came to Thanksgiving feasts. We had a fantastic one in Muskoka hosted by Glen's cousin (see last entry), then Glen barbecued a turkey for our celebration with Meg and Mike, and last week, we again flew to Aurora to share the meal with Geoff, his family, and friends.
We arrived the Saturday before the big day to have time to enjoy the excitement of the grandkids, Elijah (7) and Miles (5). We spent the weekend playing lego and football and getting groceries. On Sunday, Geoff was on stage playing his violin for their Worship Team at church so we enjoyed their music and the thought-provoking sermon of the guest pastor.
Monday and Tuesday, the boys were in school so we followed that old familiar rhythm of taking them to school and picking them up. The weather was so nice, it was not a chore to wait for them. We also did some window-shopping for Xmas presents and ended up with a few ideas.
On Tuesday, Geoff had to head to Boulder to do a nitrogen fill of his 'little' magnet. He also had some supplies to pick up which I helped with while Glen worked. For lunch, Geoff wanted to try out a local brew pub called Twisted Pines Brewery. It was early so we were one of the first customers. The tap room had a rustic pine decor and a delightful mural of the beer-making process. The menu featured appetizers, salads, pizzas, and sandwiches. I had their 'Meditteranean' which had artichokes, mozzarella, and sun-dried tomatoes. Geoff had a Philly and Glen, grilled cheese. I think the sandwiches were made to order but Glen didn't get the extra bacon he asked for.
The brewery began in 1995 when Gordon Knight bought old equipment from the New Belgium Brewery in Fort Collins. He initially brewed 3 beers -- American Amber Ale, Honey Brown Ale, and Raspberry Wheat Ale. A year later he sold it to his friend, Bob Baile, who owned the Peak-to-Peak Brewery. He merged the two companies and added Red Mountain Ale and Blonde Ale to the line-up. Now, Twisted Pines also brews Cream Style Stout, Hoppy Boy IPA, Espresso Stout, Billy's Chilies, and Imperial Porter.
Glen had Hoppy Boy IPA, Geoff, Cream Style Stout, and I enjoyed Honey Brown Ale. I loved the distinct taste of the wildflower honey in this beer. I was also curious about Billy's Chilies as it was made with a variety of hot peppers. Later, we bought a variety pack but I never did get to the Billy's Chilies.
After lunch we headed to the local music store, Robb's Boulder Music to see if I could buy Geoff some violin strings for Christmas. While he drooled over the Art & Lutherie guitars (made in Quebec), I got the strings he wanted. We then hit Boulder Running Company for the Brooks running shoes I've come to love.
On the way home, we stopped at the local Aurora brewery, Dry Dock Brewery, to buy some growlers. These are large jugs of beer (~4 litres) that are returnable. We bought two--Apricot Blonde and Vanilla Porter. Both were excellent with a distinct flavouring in line with their names. Dry Dock began in 2005 when Kevin DeLange who owned a home-brew store felt his customers might like to enjoy a brewery. So he expanded his strip mall location with the help of home-brewer, Kevin Kellogg. A year later, they won Gold in the World Beer Cup for their H.M.S. Victory EMS beer.
Wednesday, Geoff and I walked to Pioneer Park, a local playground. Elijah and Miles rode their bikes. I got caught up with photographing milkweed pods (they don't grow in Calgary) so was glad I remembered how to get to the jungle gym because the boys were way ahead of me. We left Glen to work and Melissa to enjoy her bible study session at a friend's house.
Thursday was Thanksgiving so we were up early. Geoff began making pie crusts for two pies--pumpkin and pecan. The day-long football game began with a break for lunch and cooking sessions. Everything came together when Geoff's and Melissa's friends arrived and we sat down to a wonderful feast of turkey, bourbon sweet potatoes, garlic and plain mashed potatoes, rolls, cranberry sauce, gravy and dressing. We all had much to be thankful for. Between the meal and dessert, Geoff switched on the Xmas lights, a tradition we brought home to Calgary.
It's also become a tradition for Glen and Melissa to hit the stores on Black Friday. While the boys watched Xmas specials, Geoff and I puttered about the kitchen. The shoppers returned after a successful trip, bragging of the many bargains they scored. It was date night so I made supper of Thanksgiving leftovers and we watched the boys play Wii Lego Star Wars while Melissa and Geoff had a fondue supper with friends.
Saturday, we got a lovely standing rib roast and Geoff created perfect Yorkshire puddings, a treat I haven't had in a long time (mine always look like gold hockey pucks). Actually, all the meals we had at 'Casa Armstrong' were delicious as Melissa and Geoff shared the chores of preparing great meals. I gained three pounds on chili, spaghetti, beef casserole with biscuits, stir-fry with homemade dumplings, and burgers to name a few of our dinners.
Sunday morning Glen wrenched his back pulling on his socks (it's a long story). He also had a severe headache from a sore above his eye so we decided, it was best he stayed home from church. Melissa made him a hot water bottle, I fed him Tylenol then he settled down to read. Geoff had left early to set up the sound system for the Worship Team so we met him there. Christmas carols were playing on the sound system as we entered the auditorium which really put me in the mood for the season. The pastor of the previous Sunday returned and gave us an interesting sermon on Peter and his relationship with Jesus.
Geoff and Melissa had bible study that afternoon so while I packed, the kids played with Grampy. We left around five thinking the holiday crowds would make security a nightmare. Fortunately, someone knew the situation and so the many travellers were ushered through in no time flat. We had hot dogs at a sports bar before reaching our gate. The plane was so full that Glen couldn't put his laptop in the overhead bin. We landed early which meant our gate wasn't ready, then it took over 20 minutes to unload our luggage. We tumbled into our own beds around 11:30. Monday morning, we missed our usual 7:00 wake-up call which involved flicking the bedroom light so Glen was almost late for an early meeting.