Nothing exciting happened on the way home. We did take the train (photo is of the RAI station) back to the airport and discovered the ticket machines 'speak' English but they don't speak credit card or cash. So, for the first time since I've had a bank card, I actually used it to pay for something.
We stopped in the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol duty free shop after taking about 30 minutes to get our boarding passes and pass through security. The guards didn't like all the electronic gear in my bag so they searched that and I had to remove both my camera and my zoom lens from my camera bag. But, we'd left plenty of time so weren't upset about these delays.
Glen is drawn to every duty free shop in search of cheap Cohiba (Cuban) cigars. They run about $35 each in Canada so when he spots them for about under $20, he buys them. He knew they were $17 in Frankfurt but bought them in Amsterdam when he discovered they were the same price. I bought some tee shirts to give as Christmas presents and both of us were given the chance to pay in Canadian dollars. Do this if you have the choice as it cuts out the service fee most credit cards charge to do the exchange.
Our connection in Frankfurt was just over an hour which seems like enough time but when we disembarked from Lufthansa, we had to take a bus to terminal then go through passport control. We lucked out as the lines were short and we circumvented security. We still had a long walk to our gate and by this time, my legs had started to swell. I had a rather uncomfortable flight home but managed to get a couple of hours of sleep between sore legs and a baby crying.
It was 4:00 am Amsterdam time when we fell into bed. When I awoke my rash had faded and the swelling in my legs had gone.