The AMSMIC conference always begins with a tour so attendees can network which is important to this group of university chairs. However, our networking began with 'the help' when we arrived in Maui, Hawaii.
After an uneventful trip across the Pacific Ocean, we landed in Kahului Airport. We had left Calgary early on a snowy, frigid morning (-29ºC/-20ºF) and after almost 8 hours in the plane, landed in paradise (+29ºC/84ºF). As we awaited our bags, our friend, Tim, who had just arrived from California, met us. He works with the woman organizing the meeting, Sheilah of Amazing Occasions. Sheilah had rented a car so picked us up at the airport. We had a great time catching up as we drove the scenic highway to our hotel, the Hyatt Regency on the Kaanapali Beach (about 45 minutes). We spotted several whales spouting and cattle egrets strutting in the roadside vegetation. The volcanic mountains rising up from the sea were red rock and desert-dry.
Kaanapali Beach, although lined with resorts and condominiums, is open to anyone wishing to use it. The Hyatt resides at one end, the Sheraton, at the other and about halfway in between are the Westin and Marriott. A tiny shopping centre, Whalers Village, with three restaurants (and a food court) is nestled among several condominium towers.
It was around 1pm when we checked in so agreed to meet Tim and Sheilah poolside for lunch. We quickly stripped off our traveling clothes, exchanging them for shorts and loose fitting shirts. We then walked about 20 minutes to dine in Tim's favourite place, the Hula Grill at Whalers Village. Together, we shared chips and salsa while Glen had Big Swell IPA and I drank Barefoot Brew, a specialty of the house. We then ate a goat cheese pizza (Glen and me), and Caesar salad (Tim). Sheilah left just before 4 in order to man the conference desk at the hotel.
After enjoying the view of the beach and a few more beers, we thought we'd return to our rooms and relax. But that was not to be for, as we walked back, we met up with our good friends from Florida, George and Martha (yes, they know the connection with America's first president). They were ready for supper and wanted to try Leilani's across from the Hula Grill. Glen stayed with his Big Swell IPA but I switched to Kona Brewery's Lavaman Red. I also had a Caprese salad of tomatoes, beets, and mozzarella cheese that was as tasty as it sounds.
After dinner, we all returned to the Hyatt for drinks on the patio. I enjoyed a Kahlua while Glen had more Big Swell. Exhausted, we tumbled into bed at 9:30 knowing it was an early rise the next day.