Thursday, April 28, 2011

Putts, Parks, and Plugs

Okay, I took some artistic licence with the title but you'll understand why I couldn't resist the alliteration.

Today, we spent another soggy morning on Mt. Doug. It was worse after yesterday's downpour so the greens were sticky and the water hazards were the cups. Bonus was after each putt, you had a clean ball. The fairways were mucky on the hills and swampy in the dales. My score wasn't as good as it's been but I still managed to hit a 175 yard drive uphill and sink a 25 foot putt. Glen had some wonderful chip shots and his irons behaved themselves. We were one of three groups on the course so had the place to ourselves except for a large slug on the 3rd tee box and a hummingbird on the 6th fairway.

After lunch, I walked to Stadacona Park. We passed the park yesterday on our way back from a downtown lunch at Don Mees (love their dim sum) and shopping expedition to the Cowichan Trading Company (buying a gift for a friend). I had seen some beautiful rhododendrons but didn't have my good camera and had no wish to juggle my umbrella while I fiddling with my 'point and shoot'. Today, the cloudy skies of this morning became bright sunshine after lunch so I grabbed my camera and headed off. I spent a half hour happily snapping photos of flowers.

I left Glen to have play with his 'plugs'. Actually, they were light switches but that wouldn't have worked in my title and eventually he will also change the plugs. When we arrived in Victoria, I decided it would be nice to replace the old fashioned switches with ones like we have in Calgary. It would give the place a modern look and Glen a project to do while we were here. We stopped at Home Depot on the way home from golf and picked up most of what he needed. We'll have to make another trip tomorrow as nothing is ever easy when it comes to home renovations. He did the job quickly and it has made all the difference.