Since I didn't wake at 3am to watch, on a black and white TV, the wedding of Charles and Diana, I felt no obligation to wake at this unholy hour to see William and Kate tie the knot. Still, I did want to see footage of the event and caught an abridged version on an American network before we headed to the driving range yesterday morning.
After hitting a couple of balls, I was shocked when Glen asked me to help him with his swing. Who does that? And, who am I to be such an expert? However, I gave him some tips I'd gleaned from my golf book, Wii Fit Golf, and watching both the PGA and the LPGA. I've worked five years on my swing and have been told by several that it is a nice one. Not that it always works on the golf course, but it looks good on the driving range.
After our practise session, we stopped by Home Depot and that's when I realized Royal Wedding fever had hit Victoria. Most of Home Depot's women sales reps were sporting the trendy fascinator hats and several of the men, bow ties. Later, Glen saw a piece on TV about the pajama party at the Empress Hotel where participants watched the event while in pjs, robes, and fancy hats. They were also served a celebratory English breakfast.
After lunch we headed to Gonzalese Beach and saw our first Union Jack (see photo). We enjoyed a lovely sojourn sitting on a log watching people and their dogs cavort on the wet sand. Two liners plied the Straits of Juan de Fuca but no whale-watching boats buzzed pass as they do in the summer. The snowy Olympic Mountains peeked through the clouds beyond the strait's whitecaps.
On our way home, an old (perhaps 1950s vintage) Austin passed us bearing a Union Jack much like the hockey flags that decorate cars in this town now that the Canucks have made it to the second round of the Stanley Cup. Two woman with huge, festive hats were inside and they gave us a big smile. The Royal Wedding is something to celebrate and where better to do so than a town that is more British than Britain!