Rain is predicted for most of the week so when we rose this morning and saw the sun, we decided to take advantage of the nice weather.
First we went to the driving range. It was good to work out the kinks by hitting a huge bucket of balls. I was pretty rusty but soon warmed up. The temps were chilly but after smacking 80 balls, I had generated some heat.
Our next stop was the hardware store because our dishwasher died while we were away. There are several theories as to why but it meant we had to buy a dish rack to do dishes by hand (perish the thought). We also got paint chips as the contractors are painting the outer walls this week. They will paint using colours of your choice, if we provide the paint. Turns out none of the chips we brought home matched the colour of our walls so we might have to change colours.
After lunch we headed to the beach. It is a 40 minute walk to Willows Beach but well worth the effort. In the winter, dogs are allowed to run freely along the sand and most of the people doing the beach walk were dog-owners. We stopped by our butcher and bought a leg of lamb for supper. Problem is I must cook it in the oven since we have no balcony on which to barbeque.