Today is our last full day in Victoria. It's been a great holiday and one in which Glen didn't have to write a grant. Oh, he did do scientific and department head duties but he didn't write a grant. I can't remember a summer holiday quite like this.
Glen did have two items on his holiday agenda--play golf and scan the slides of our European trips of 1977 and 1979. He accomplished both, even scanning in his mother's slides from trips made to Europe in 1962 and 1969. All these slides have deteriorated so will require work to restore them but he can do that in Calgary.
My agenda was to eat in our favourite restaurants, see our three beaches at least once, golf, and get the beginnings of my sequel written. I've also accomplished everything I set out to do.
Today, we must ready the apartment for the remediation project that began May 1st. Most of the time we've been here, the construction workers have been digging out around the foundation to create a better drainage system. Mike Holmes would be proud of what they have done. They now have scaffolding up at the rear of the building and are draping it in green weatherproofing cloth.
We must remove all our window coverings and make sure the furniture is well away from the window areas. We've also taken down the pictures that might be knocked off their hooks by the vibrations. The noise of the workmen removing the stucco has me glad to be leaving. The dust they have created forced us to keep our windows closed and in the heatwave of the last week, this meant the condo got very hot. We made good use of our fans.
Now, we must sadly cry "Mommy, it's over!!"