Today was our last full day in Buenos Aires. The meeting is over so Glen was able to join me on the tour of the Tigre River. We thought it was 3 hours long but ended up being 5. George and Tom had not booked the tour but the bus had room for them. The Rio de la Plata is the widest river in the world being over 200 kms wide. A delta feeds it and it is through this delta that the Tigre river flows. We took the bus to a quaint train station near the Presidential Palace. We rode that to a tiny village celebrating its 300th anniversary (I can't remember its name right now). We had an hour to explore the area and we took in the local church and park. There were parrots nesting in the palm trees which was neat.
The bus then took us to Tigre where we boarded a boat and took a circle route around an island. The houses were fascinating as they were up on stilts because of the river flooding. The river was very high and the boat's wake washed over many of the docks. The rivers in this area are brown because of the silt in the water but the Tigre is also polluted.
On the way back to the city, our guide asked if we wanted to be left off at the Rigoletta cemetary. We had planned on doing the cemetary this afternoon so said yes. After lunch in a brew pub, we were walking toward the cemetary when I saw and hugged my Peruvian friend. Glen said I was pulling the same trick his Dad used to by meeting someone I knew in a foreign country.
Eva Peron's grave was the reason for the cemetary visit but the place was fascinating and creepy at the same time. I became enamoured with the statuary so have hundreds of pictures. The cats are also a famous aspect of the cemetary. They are well fed and love posing for pictures. Unfortunately, Glen's laptop can't upload any more of my pictures so I wasn't able to include one in this post.
George, Glen and I walked back to the hotel and Glen is now asleep. It was an exhausting day.