It seems rather silly to post about our home-away-from-home on a travel blog but it always feels like we are on holiday here. We definitely eat out more and play more golf so I guess it could be considered a travel destination.
The drive to the coast was uneventful and because we travelled on a Wednesday, we experienced less traffic. We made the 5:00
ferry, being one of the last cars to board. We usually eat dinner either on the ferry or in the food court at the Tswwassen terminal. However, because we were so early, we decided to indulge in 'ferry' ice cream and have a late supper at
Glen was so disappointed when he discovered the ice cream machine was broken. He and another woman chatted about how good 'ferry' ice cream was and how one could best fill an ice cream tub. I bought ice cream sandwiches while the cashier just shook her head saying that ice cream was ice cream, one type no different from another. That brought a chorus of denials from Glen and his new friend.
The Spirit of Vancouver Island is one of the larger BC Ferries so we had to clamber up several decks to reach the upper observation one. The day was warm and sunny so we enjoyed the views of Mayne and Galiano Islands as we sailed past. Sometimes we see orcas or seals on our ferry rides but not on this crossing.
Since then the weather has been cloudy and rainy with the odd patch of sunshine. We took advantage of one sunny day to walk down to Willows Beach. We watched a young man try to impress his girlfriend by catching a crab but it pinched him. Two pre-teens scooped the creature up knowing exactly how to avoid its claws. It would have made a tasty treat for one of them but I think they returned it to the ocean.
We have played three rounds (9 holes) of golf this week. Once at
the Ridge and twice at
Mt. Doug. Each time the weather was threatening rain but we avoided getting wet. Bonus, the weather kept the crowds away so we were only paired up once. They were an elderly couple in their early 80s and matched us pretty evenly with their game. Glen did his personal best at Mt. Doug that day (Tuesday) while I did mine on Thursday. Since adopting a new stance, my drives have been straighter and longer which means I can keep up with Glen.
Tuesday evening we went out to dinner with our friends, Tony and Diane. Their favourite pub is
Smuggler's Cove about half way between our two houses. I had chipotle mussels which were good but I must say I prefer my mussels without much more than wine or garlic. I ordered a veggie pizza but the server misheard me and I ended up with chicken bbq pizza. Diane had a piece and I brought a couple of pieces home. It was definitely not my favourite. Glen had fish and chips and a dark chocolate lava cake which he devoured with ease.
Thursday, we saw Diane and Tony again when we went to their house to pick up a queen sized headboard for our bed. It is a nice oak one and looks wonderful in our bedroom. Glen just shakes his head because we keep collecting stuff when we really should be downsizing.
Friday, I wanted to buy some
SAS Shoes to replace the loafers I bought about 15 years ago. We made plans to go to a store in Oak Bay then have lunch at the
PennyFarthing. However, after doing a search on-line I discovered a huge store on Douglas Street that only sold SAS shoes. We drove there, got my shoes (not much more expensive than my original pair), then walked to the pub for lunch. They had just undergone major renovations and it was the first time the patio had been open this summer. It was threatening rain so we sat under the glassed roof. They were in the process of changing their menu so I couldn't decide what I wanted. The waitress recommended tuna tacos (real tuna, not canned) and they were delicious. Glen had a veggie pizza which he raved about.
Since the condo is also our home, there are always things that need upgrading or fixing. This time we replaced our fridge. Glen measured the space where the old fridge sat so when we bought a new one, there would be no surprises. But, life never runs smoothly. Fortunately, the two guys delivering our new one had been in the building before and brought their tools with them. The space for the fridge was fine but the entrance to the kitchen proved to be too small. By removing its doors and the hinges, it slipped into the kitchen. They hauled the old one away, which was a blessing. Although the new one looks bigger, the fridge section is about the same as our old one but the freezer is bigger and colder so we can store food longer. My sister, Lynda, will be happy to know that I threw out all the bread, including one loaf marked as Best Before Nov 11/07!
We have also hung a few pictures and added a clock to my office. In the spring, we replaced all the light switches with modern, rocker-type ones and today we hunted the city for new thermostats. Since the apartment is heated with electric baseboards, we ended up going to 3 hardware stores before finding what we needed. We found them in our favourite
Home Hardware store on Fairfield Road across from the
Ross Bay Cemetery.
One thing we have noticed this year, other than the fact it has been unusually wet, is the number of deer. We had one wandering across our street and have seen a mother with twin fawns munching on the plants in someone's garden. There was a doe and fawn on the golf course along with a couple of rabbits so I guess you could say Victoria has a rural feel in an urban environment.
Glen cannot leave his work in Calgary so it follows him out here. He has begun writing a book chapter and did a half hour radio interview as well as a couple of conference calls. If this lets him relax, I can't complain about it.